Merry Christmas | Message from NALP's CEO Amanda Hamilton

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

Dear Members.

Firstly, I would like to thank you on behalf of NALP, for your continued support throughout this last year. We have had a bumper year and we could not do what we do without you – we appreciate it very much.

In the last quarter alone, we have enrolled 120 people on our Paralegal Qualifications with more and more employers realising the benefits of what we have to offer and subsidising their staff. We recently established that Shell Oil are looking for a qualified Paralegal who has attained a NALP qualification!

We would like to also congratulate the 85 NALP students who have graduated this year! Well done to you – you know who you are!

I have been working very hard at writing articles for not only the legal press but also business and consumer publications, and this year, I have been published in the ‘Law Society Gazette’ and in ‘The Barrister’ magazine. You can read some of them on our website blogs!

I have also been very busy in establishing some incredible contacts within the sector over the last year, which will enhance our reputation even further within the profession.

Next year, NALP has big plans. Because we believe that you should be recognised for the work that you do as paralegals, we will be launching the first ever National Paralegal Day in the UK on March 14th 2019. A series of events will take place around the country – more details coming soon.

We are also planning to expand our qualification repertoire in 2019, and for this reason it was a decision at Board level earlier this year, to change the name of NALP Training to National Paralegal College (NPC). Again, more details will come to light in due course.

I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of myself and all at NALP, to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Kindest regards, 

Amanda Hamilton

CEO of National Association of Licenced Paralegals and National Paralegal College


Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

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