In the Press | How can paralegals assist you in legal matters?

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton


Why would you choose a paralegal over a solicitor?

Cost: Solicitors often charge over £200 per hour. On average, paralegals charge between £20 – £50 per hour. A paralegal may assist you up to a point, and then you may need the services of a solicitor. For example, if the case is serious and cannot be resolved, and will eventually end up in court. However, for the most part, a paralegal can assist you in dealing with the case yourself.

There is no legal aid: Before April 2013 you could get legal funding to bring a case to court or defend an action against you. This has now been eradicated for all but a few cases. Paralegals are filling the gap left by the eradication of Legal Aid.

We discuss in Law Donut when you can use a paralegal over a solicitor for some legal matters. Read more here. 

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

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