Looking to the future – what does it hold for the Paralegal Sector?

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

The Paralegal Profession needs recognition in its own right – and not just as an extension of the traditional regulated ones. Once the sector, as a whole, addresses and accepts this fact, we can all move forward. 

Paralegals are able to apply for Licensed Access to the Bar and this means that once granted, they can instruct barristers directly. This is not a hopeful comment about the future. It is already happening. 

All members of the legal services sector should be able to complement each other and work together towards one purpose: the provision of legal services for all consumers. 

Source: http://www.liverpoollawsociety.org.uk/

Amanda Hamilton, CEO of National Association of Licensed Paralegals
Amanda Hamilton

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